31 October 2010

Rain. Almost.

Whenever Mordsith asks me for a topic she could blog about, I always say, "rain". Out of the many times I told her to do so, I think she listened to me only once. Hehehe. (If you read her blog, she shared how she feels about the topic.)

I just realized now that while I am so passionate in recommending the topic to her, I never got the chance to write anything about it. Maybe it's because I am afraid I won't give justice to the beauty of the idea if I write about it. I feel incompetent, lacking. Maybe I am afraid that after I wrote about it, I won't like my output.

From the Web
But the thing is, how would you if you are worthy of writing about it? How would you know if you are now ready to write it? I guess you just have to try... to take a risk... to take a leap of faith and trust yourself you'll just be fine.

Maybe I will try.



witsandnuts said...

You'll never know until you try it. ;)

Angeli said...

hmmm. bigla akong napa-isip: what is it about rain that makes it makes it so mysterious and almost 'unwriteable'?

Ar-Ar Malalis said...

Rain makes me feel sad, always -_-