25 January 2011

Punch the keys!

I've been blogging nonstop (hehehe, well, compared to previous months, this is nonstop blogging) since the start of the year. It's good, and not-so-good at the same time. Good because I get to practice my writing skills. This is almost similar to how our teacher "trained" us. She would give us a word, and we have to make an essay using that word. Katuwa no? :-)

An online pal once told me: writing is easy if you don't have any rules. You just speak your mind through your pen. Or keyboard. It becomes more and more difficult when you start applying restrictions. For example, write your essay in not less than 500 words. Or, use these three totally unrelated words in different paragraphs of your essay. Stuff like that makes it a more challenging task to write. At least for aspiring writers like me.

The problem with writing is when you get too hooked on it. Like reading. You'd spend hours and hours sitting on your desk. Writing nonsensical things. Doodling. Coining words when you can't think of the right one. (And later on, worrying about oily skin treatments because of the countless nights you stay awake.)

I'm far from being a good writer. But as Forrester once put it:

The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!
So, here I am, writing. :-)

1 comment:

Kayni said...

good for you :)

words are so hard to come by these days for me and i don't know why.