10 January 2011

1 step forward, 2 steps back

How was your New Year celebration guys? It's been a week since my last post (if you could call it a post)... Been busy working on some work-related stuff. :-( Oh well, I always convince myself that it's better to have a lot of work than no work at all, right? Oh well.

Hmmm... What can I say? This December, I gained more than thrice the amount of wieght I lost during the last two months (October and November). Haist! Kasi naman, how can you resist pork and chicken adobo, lechong kawali, estopado, etc? It's just impossible.

I'd be needing some serious dieting and exercise (and testoripped reviews perhaps?) from now on. 1/11/11 will be the date.

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