22 May 2012

Did I take the wrong side?

As of 3:35 pm

Anyone watching CJ's opening statement now is probably asking: What is the relevance of all these?!

D#@m. I know I am actually wasting my time watching this (and I just said this is the moment of truth) but I really am interested how this day for Corona will end. Argh!

Right this very moment, I think I could be a better Chief Justice than Renato Corona!


As of 4:19 pm

It looks like in the end, Chief Justice Renato Corona's fate will be sealed by whoever made a better Power Point presentations. 

And after the opening statement of the Chief Justice, I think he felt so weak that he has to leave the stand without being dismissed. Uh-oh. I didn't see any personnel in doctor or nurse uniforms but it's clear it was a medical situation.

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