20 February 2011

I almost died

Pulungang Claro M. Recto
UP College of Arts and Letters

I miss this place. This conference hall used to be my (and my friends') tambayan. We can guiltlessly skip classes attending symposia and fora here - whether they feature local or foreign speakers, sponsored by student organizations or cause-oriented groups.

18 February 2011 -- The legends of social and intellectual activism: Dodong Nemenzo,
Edru Abraham, and Randy David (and there's Trillanes o?)
I remember the first time I attended a forum here. It was my first ACLE week (Alternative Classroom Learning Experience, a week when different school organizations sponsor their own fora and symposia, giving the students the chance to learn something they are more interested in, thus, supplementing the goal of the GED curriculum). I attended a forum sponsored by Atheists Circle. I was so excited to attend it so I sat somewhere in the front row. I think I didn't know exactly what the topic would be but because I saw Friedrich Nietzsche's idea as one of the topics, I entered the conference hall anyway.

When the symposium was about to start, they dimmed the light and I remember them bringing in front of the hall (read: right about a meter where I was sitting) a coffin with the word GOD on the side. And then, they started serving coffee and biscuits.


If some of you think that's funny, well, get this: I am a college student from a provincial high school which is always exempted in NSATs (because of consecutive weeks of no classes due to floods; and yeah, they call it NSAT before), a first year in a Kryptonian university, and I never even heard of the word atheist before. And suddenly, there was a coffin in front of me with the word GOD on the side.


Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker. - FN

Oh, yeah, this is basically it. If you're looking for more intelligent posts, check my bloglist on the sidebar. :-)


TPS said...

Do you believe?

sheng said...

Answering TPS quetion:

I believe in God. And that action was blasphemy. And eks, how about you?

TPS said...

Kanina pa ako bothered sa fallacy(?) dun sa presentation nila, kasi by labeling the coffin with "GOD," they're [atheists] implying "God is dead," but how can something they do not believe in be dead (or before dying, alive)?

eks said...

not really a fallacy. i think taken out of context lang TPS. the atheists did not make any implication (although sa kwento ko, mukhang ganun, no? my bad.). nietzsche actually was being quoted in that particular case. he said, "god is dead." (or more completely, "Where has God gone? I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I.") the statement has nothing to do with the existence (or not) of god. nietzsche was trying to say that the idea of a god that the world once knew does not exist anymore, i.e., "the concept of God no longer has a meaningful or progressive place in human life."

"god is dead" is more of a social observation than a statement of (or atleast an attempt to state) a fact.

@sheng, i believe that there is a force other than the strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces. i also agree with nietzsche's observation.

TPS said...

Not having read Nietzsche (my bad), I "connected" the statement not to him but to the atheists, and given that I haven't read his work, I'm not (yet) inclined to argue.