27 December 2011

New comment on Superman, Son Goku, and The Hulk

This post was actually a reply of a certain Bryson to a post of mine where I asked who is the strongest between Superman, The Hulk, or Son Gokou.

He believes it's The Hulk and I am convinced. Almost. Here's his reply in its entirety.
Before reading this you should know this WILL be lengthy. As stated above, it is clearly between The Hulk and Goku. Lets run down both of their powers and abilities. Goku is hands down the BEST martial artist in any universe one puts him into(well aside from Batman, but that's a different debate)when he suffers a near death experience; his strength increases exponentially(like after he first fought Vageta; this also gives Goku in theory limitless strength). He also has the ability to shoot energy projections in multiple forms, and even summon the energies of living creatures into a VERY powerful energy bomb (the spirit bomb, witch can destroy planets). But Goku's greatest martial arts technique is his Instant-Transmission(where he can instantly telaport himself to one location to another). Now for The Hulk. The Hulk, as stated, has limitless strength. He is so strong he can leap hundreds of miles (even into the limits of the atmosphere), he has literally lifted mountains, pulled a planet's tectonic plates back together, and has caused earth quakes from the mere action of putting his foot down. But perhaps some of his most astounding abilities lay within his body's resistance. He can withstand the force of a nuclear blast(and far greater forces), submerge himself in molten magma(and emerge unscathed), and of course his body has the ability to produce its own oxygen (thus giving him the ability to survive in places with little to no oxygen; such as outer space). On top of this, even when he is injured, his body heals itself within seconds(it is even said his healing abilities are better than Wolverine's). So now that we've run down their powers and abilities, lets create a scenario where the two square of in a head to head fight. Goku would absolutely out class The Hulk in his fighting skills and completely dominate the first half or so of the fight. However, any attack that Goku can dish out is NOT enough to stop The Hulk. It may injure him for a time but, this will only make The Hulk madder, and thus STRONGER. It would get to the point where The Hulk's strength would absolutely overshadow Goku's, fighting skills. If the Hulk were to land even one blow, it would end the fight right there. Goku could summon a spirit bomb, [get a claw foot tub and throw it to Goku] and use his Instant-transmission to get some where safe, but this would not be winning the fight as the Hulk would survive the blast, and then latter outer space. Some of you may bring up Goku's ability to get stronger once he recovers from the fight; but then we would just be walking into the same scenario as before, the only difference would be Goku would last a little longer before The Hulk over powered him again and won. Additionally, Goku's recovery time is about that of a normal human being (unless given a Sensu Bean, witch instantly heels him) but lets assume he has none. The fight ends there when he doesn't have any, and when he does it is just prolonged. I hope this explanation helped out. That is why The Hulk is the most powerful out of the three choices.

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