30 May 2010

On daydreaming

My favorite part is when we were daydreaming of good lives ahead, and we would excite ourselves with what actually were fictions of our mind. -- Mordsith
Something like... (short-term goals pa lang 'to!):

This will be the work environment.

Cuba libre, while working. Or not.
A high-speed Wi-Fi connection while working... at the beach, of course. 

I mean, who wouldn't want an iPad, di ba?

And for the work-life balance, maybe this one will do?
They have an ATV circuit at Bora, right?

Good thing about daydreaming is that it's free... and there is the possibility that they might come true.

PS: Medium-term goal is you take away the work variable out of the equation. :-)


sheng said...


mordsith said...

The first picture will do. :)