Some people tend to blame others for all bad things that are happening or that have happened to them. They lost their job – blame the economic system! They cannot find a job (either first or replacement) – blame the educational system! They cannot find food to eat, blame the political system!
Some people do not actively blame others, but they usually argue – It’s not my fault that I cannot find a job. It’s not my fault that I am poor. It’s not my fault that I am without any decent education.
Some people are not satisfied with blaming others for their problems... they will do things more than just hanging a debt advice for others to see. Some of them would actually call others who have the same situation and make rationalizations why it is not their fault that they are experiencing these problems. Then, they will organize themselves and proclaim to the world that the status quo is evil! … That those who have succeeded in this evil system are, well, evil as well! … That those who are trying to succeed, those who are trying to survive are misguided.
I. Hate. Them.
Where are these people when the evil system is serving them just right? Where are these people when the evil system was still providing them with benefits when they are too lazy to lift their a55 off to look for a job? Where are these people when the evil system is happily benefiting from free trade?
I. Effin’. Hate. Them. I just do. And just as you have the right to blame others for your problems, I also have the right to hate you. Quid pro quo.
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