25 October 2010

The other side of America

Familiar with this work of art?

The faces, from left to right, are those of former Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
The sculptures were carved by Gutzon and Lincoln Borglum (father and son) into the face of Mount Rushmore in the United States. These presidents  represent the first 150 years of the history of the United States.

Now, do you want to see what's behind those faces? I know this picture is a bit (?) old already, but for those who haven't seen this yet, here:

Guys, you're hiding as if you need some herbal male enhancement, ah? Hehehe, peace, Uncle Sam!
Have a great week, guys!


kg said...

ano kaya if they all fart at the same time? may explosion kayang magaganap? he he!

CaptainRunner said...

This is the first time that I saw this picture, ha ha.. Nice!

Kayni said...

lol...have a great week as well.